NLE1a, NLE1b, NLE8, NLE22A, and NLE22b:
The rearrangements leading to 1a and 22a and, subsequently, to NLE1b and NLE22b were rather complex. A translocation between HyA1 and HyA19 originated two intermediate chromosomes, T1(1/19) and T2(19/1). T1 then generated NLE chromosomes 11 and 17 (see slide 6). A third intermediate, HyA11(inv), was generated by the inversion of HyA11. A three way translocation involving T2, HyA11(inv), and HyA22 resulted in chromosomes NLE1a, 22a, and 8. A translocation involving 1a and 22a generated the forms 1b and 22b. The centromere of T2(19/1) appears inactivated in NLE1a.
